Dickson Beattie “Doc” Hendley is the founder of Wine to Water, an American charitable organization devoted to providing clean water and sanitation to people around the world.
One word that describes you?
What project are you most proud of when it comes to sustainability (of people, planet or profit)?
Our holistic water programmes in Nepal.These programmes are driven and led by the women in each community. These programmes not only help provide safe water, which leads to healthier families, they also help grow local economies through thriving agricultural programmes.
Which is your favourite part of your job?
The global team I get to be a part of every day. Whether I’m in NC, Nepal, Colombia, the Dominican, or Tanzania, I always feel like I’m working with family.
Which is the part that you enjoy the least?
My seemingly constant state of jet-lag.
Who is your greatest influence?
My grandfather.
Best advice you’ve been given?
Our team in Tanzania always tells me “Polé, Polé.” In Swahili it roughly translates to “Slowly, Slowly.” There is a lot of meaning behind this for me, but I need to constantly be reminded to slow down and enjoy every moment, even the little ones.
What was your Plan B?
I don’t have one.
What is your personal indulgence?
Busch Light
The latest IPCC Report noted that our planet will reach 1.5C by 2030 (not 2050 as was originally suggested). How would you suggest we get people to ‘do more’ to help this situation?
I believe the overall health of our environment must be something that the masses demand from our leaders, and if no action is taken then it’s up to the masses to change who is in leadership.
What are you, your family and/or your company doing to reduce and offset your carbon footprint and inspire others to do the same?
Every water filter or water system we provide keeps people from having to boil their water or use other sources of power to clean or treat their water. We are able to directly decrease the need for carbon emissions related to drinking water for 10s of thousands of households every single year. On top of that, each filter alleviates the need for thousands of single use plastic bottles.
What is your personal favourite place to stay and/or travel company that’s trying hard when it comes to sustainability? (Please include website if possible).
We work with Taasa Lodge in Tanzania to help provide water systems to the surrounding Maasai communities. Their mission goes far beyond just business and profit and it’s refreshing. It’s one of the most beautiful places with one of the most beautiful missions that I’ve ever come across. www.taasalodge.com
What other steps do you take to make your daily life more committed to sustainability?
One really fun way is to use my most fuel efficient vehicle when commuting. My motorcycle gets 40+ miles per gallon 🙂
What do you think must happen now to help make our planet, people and profit more committed to sustainability? (It must be now that….)
Consumers must drive the narrative. Everyday people like us can change the world by refusing to do business with or buy products from anyone who’s values aren’t aligned with our own.
If you could have one hour with a world leader, who would it be and what would you say?
I’m not the biggest fan of politicians, so I’d have to pick somebody like Mala Yousafzai. I think I’d just ask her about her source of courage and probably spend the hour listening to her amazing story.
Any regrets so far?
Thousands of failures, but few regrets.
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