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GIVING BACK. Be a traveller who wants to make a difference … and not just a tourist.

Caring and responsible hotels or resorts support social programmes to give back to their communities and this can be arranged with your reservations. A ‘one day back or more’ experience will connect and engage you with the people and culture in your host community, and give you insight that makes your travels more memorable.

Send us your ‘one day back or more’ contributions in a warm and personal tone of voice you will use when having a conversation with friends. We will gladly review your submissions. This will be published in a GIVING BACK article in itmustbeNOW Magazine.

Articles – Should be up to 500 words.

Facts, Facts, Facts – Contributions to NOW are all about facts, not fiction. Articles about Hotels should always be written like a case study, highlighting the positive aspects of the hotels work when it comes to sustainability, and it must be constructive When talking about greenwash and there is a lack of action, please only state the facts on what you observe. We would like to be constructive and avoid an judgement or accusations.

Pictures or  Videos – Visuals truly speak a million words … please provide pictures or videos to go along with your article in as high a resolution as possible. Pictures can be your own, in order to document your story. If provided by the hotel or anybody else, please make sure to also get a waiver signed. (please download VISUAL WAIVER file). We can only publish articles with photos once the signed waiver has been returned.

Your profile on NOW – Contributors will be listed on our site with a headshot (100×100 px) and a two phrase introduction about themselves.

IMPORTANT NOTE : Responsible tourism is important and NOW supports the guidelines established by responsibletravel.com.  Responsible Travel campaigns for change in the tourism industry to help protect our favourite places, cultures and wildlife from unethical practices and irresponsible tourism.  Over recent years they’ve formed relationships with activists, local communities, NGOs and people who think differently about tourism. Please read this if you are interested in a ‘one day back or more’ experience or planning to volunteer for a few days. Responsible Travel – Activism

Please submit articles or questions about articles to: inquiry@itmustbeNOW.com
