Be Inconvenient

Be Inconvenient


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It was worse than watching a horror movie because it is real.

AN INCONVENIENT SEQUEL – TRUTH TO POWER must be watched by everyone. And if you still have doubts that this is happening now, then turn on the news. Al Gore calls it a nature hike through the Book of Revelation.

This year in many parts of the world, the horror of a changing climate has brought record droughts, downpours called rain bombs, terrifying hurricanes, devastating floods and ravaging wildfires which some described as ‘the road to hell’. It’s time to tell the truth about the climate crisis … and its time to connect the dots!

It will get worse before it gets better. We, the people, have become a force of nature and we cannot escape our negative impacts affecting all countries, our oceans and the wildest corners of our planet. We are causing our climate to change and it is the biggest threat of our time. And the worst part is … we have brought this on ourselves!

We have seen the threat of climate change move slowly and then accelerate with horrifying speed. This must shake our collective consciousness and ignite bolder actions from each of us to scrutinize and demand wider responsibility and accountability from our governments and the companies we reward with our business.

These climate related disasters will be a massive security issue as millions of climate refugees move to safer ground. Our response – to open or close our borders, to support or to turn away – will speak volumes on who we are as people.

We now have a moral challenge. The American poet Wallis Stevens wrote a line that said, ‘on the final NO, there is a Yes … and on that Yes the future world depends’. Al Gore explained this further, that ‘when any great moral challenge is ultimately resolved into a binary choice, between what is right or what is wrong, the outcome is pre-ordained because of who we are as people. 99% of us. That is where we are now. We have everything we need. We just need the will to act and this in itself is a renewable resource’.

Climate change is a topic that makes many of us feel helpless and people involved in driving change have many moments and emotions that fluctuate between hope and despair. The good news is that there is greater hope and many solutions today. And while we are the problem … we are also the solution.

Let’s choose to be a part of the solution and be inconvenient. Let’s be demanding of the companies we choose to trust and support with our wallets. Let’s choose to have heart and be more compassionate with our assistance to the millions affected worldwide. Let’s choose to be the change.

I hope you will join the conversation in the NOW Forum and share your thoughts after you watch AN INCONVENIENT SEQUEL. We’d like to hear from you and your inspiring stories and solutions.

It matters. And it must be NOW!

Blog Author
Alexa Poortier
Founder –